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Zartec Code of Professional Conduct


This Code of Professional Conduct is structured on the following three fundamental principles:  
1. Commitment to client needs  
2. Integrity, Independence, and Objectivity

3. Responsibility to the profession

Principle 1: Commitment to Client Needs  
Rule 1.1 Competence: We will only accept assignments within our areas of expertise and where we can add value to the client. We will never make misleading claims about our qualifications or experience.   

Rule 1.2 Deliverables and Fees: We will agree in advance on the scope, objectives, expected outcomes and terms of remuneration. Any adjustments to the agreement will require mutual consent.  

Rule 1.3 Sub-Contracting: We will engage third parties only after obtaining client’s prior approval and will remain responsible for the quality and performance of all outsourced work.


Rule 1.4 Confidentiality: We will maintain strict confidentiality regarding all client information and will not disclose proprietary details without explicit permission.  

Rule 1.5 Non-Poaching: We will not solicit or encourage any employee of a client to seek alternative employment unless such recruitment is explicitly part of our engagement.  

Rule 1.6 Due Care: Our advice, recommendations, and solutions will be based on thorough and objective analysis, ensuring they are realistic, practical, and clearly understood by the client.


Rule 1.7 Communication: We will keep the client informed about the progress of the engagement.

Rule 1.8 Respect: 
We will act with professionalism, courtesy, and consideration in all interactions related to our assignments.  

Principle 2: Integrity, Independence, and Objectivity  
Rule 2.1 Disclosure: We will disclose any relationships, circumstances, or business interests that might compromise our objectivity or create a conflict of interest.  

Rule 2.2 Conflicts of Interest: We will not accept assignments where a conflict of interest exists unless full disclosure is made, and the client consents to proceed.   

Rule 2.3 Inducements: We will not accept or offer gifts, commissions, or incentives that could improperly influence business decisions.  

Rule 2.4 Privacy of Information: We will not use confidential client information for personal gain or to benefit third parties.  

Rule 2.5 Objectivity: We will provide honest and transparent advice, even when it may not align with the client’s initial expectations.  

Principle 3: Responsibility to the Profession  
Rules 3.1 Working with Other Consultants: We will cooperate professionally with other consultants working with the same client, ensuring any potential conflicts are managed transparently. When reviewing another consultant’s work, we will exercise objectivity, integrity, and fairness.


Rule 3.2 Fees: We will negotiate fees in an ethical and professional manner, ensuring fairness and transparency in all financial agreements.  

Rule 3.3 Publicity: We will ensure that all promotional activities and client representations are accurate and factual and do not mislead or discredit other professionals.  

Rule 3.4 Marketing Methods: We will make our expertise known by publication of case studies (with client consent)' direct approaches to potential clients, listings in professional directories, or advertising  

Rule 3.5 Personal Conduct: We will maintain a good professional reputation and ethical character.

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